Maira Pakistani girl in red hood


Maira was fourteen years old when she was forcibly married, abused, raped, and made to convert to Islam. Thankfully, she was able to escape her abductor and is now in hiding with her family.

Maira escaped her captor, but many girls her age are not as fortunate.

Every year, more than 1,000 young girls in Pakistan, mostly Christians, are kidnapped and abused, and then forced to convert to Islam and marry. The laws of Pakistan strictly forbid these assaults. But the courts consistently fail to protect these girls and their families, often due to fear of violent mobs—likely because the girls it affects are religious minorities.

That’s where ADF International comes in.

An ADF International allied lawyer is now representing Maira in court, helping her nullify the marriage and gain the legal freedom she needs.

But there are so many other girls who need the same help. It costs only $5,000 to provide legal representation and court fees. Your gift today could be the difference between living in a forced, abusive marriage and legal freedom for one of these girls—your sisters in Christ.

Will you give today to help a girl like Maira get the legal representation she so desperately needs?

Make your tax-deductible donation below.